About this Site

Questions and Answers

Q: Why English?
A: I know a lot of people around the world. To communicate with them I need to use English. And I just have not enough time to translate everything so I had to make a decision. But: as you can see I am not an English native speaker, so I will have some mistakes in my sentences - please send me an email when you can recommend any improvements!

Q: Why are some page written in German?
A: For some pages I use German: Mostly for historical reasons, what is always a good excuse for anything unusual ;-)

Q: Why do you use landscape orientation with navigation on the left side?
A: Most computer screens are landscape as well! With landscape orientation there is more space in the vertical for content.

Q: Your web site looks terrible in my browser!
A: This site is not and will not be optimized for any specific browser, instead it conforms with the standards as much as possible. I by myself use only Safari, Chrome and Firefox. And no, I don’t want to do any adjustments for browsers who are unable to comply with standards. Please use a good browser!

Q: Your web site has no fancy design (or: is ugly)! Why?
A: I take good design very serious! I am very interested in design, layout, typography and related topics like architecture. But I am not a designer! So I stick with my handmade design until I have more time to develop something better or find someone who can do this.

Technical Background

This site is made using Jekyll, Markdown and the Bootstrap CSS framework.

I use Safari to check the layout and play with CSS.

Development takes place on MAC OS X. Tools: git, MarkdownPro, Vi.

Internet hosting is done on a Linux (Ubuntu) virtual server running Apache.